Supervisor’s Corner

The new year is underway. January is the normal cold with lack of much snow. We are down a person on our highway crew, so bare with us as we try to keep the roads safe during winter storms.

Thanks to our Highway Department for stepping up and doing a great job. Our new highway garage won’t be available for actual use until fall because of the yard work that needs to be done after the building itself is completed. We are close to completion, but the entrance and exits to the building and site work around it needs to be completed when the ground is thawed and settled in late spring. We will then proceed with any paving and ancillary work as to make everything as safe as possible and easy to maintain.

We are also going to be doing some work on the current highway building. We have received a $10,000 grant to heat the office and the meeting/ lunch room as they will be petitioned off from the garage area. That grant is from NYSERDA as a result of work done by Sustainable Hebron. Should make for a better work enviroment for our employees. We will renovate as opportunities become available.

Meeting time has been changed to 7PM on the second Monday of the month. So I hope to see you Monday night, January 13th.

Brian R. Campbell, Hebron Town Supervisor