Officials of the Town of Hebron
- Brian Campbell ([email protected])______Supervisor Home/cell(518)415-7039 Office: (518)854-3636
- Sandra Huffer _______Supervisor’s Clerk/Bookkeeper ([email protected])
- Dorothy Worthington ([email protected]) ____Town Clerk/Tax collector (854-3384) Barbara Gerber_____Deputy Town Clerk
- Arek D. Gordon ([email protected]) ____Town Assessor (854-9709)
- Jeff Crosier,Sr. ([email protected])______Highway Superintendent (854-3078)
- Sanford Craig______Councilman–Deputy Supervisor_________(642-3316)
- George Flint ([email protected])__________Councilman (854-7616) Cell(518-744-7127)
- Jill Nadolski______Councilwoman (518-744-6323) ([email protected])
- Paul Sokol Councilman (518-321-3774)
- Charles Hubert ____________________________Town Justice (518-854-9300)
- Irene Bonin _______________________________ Town Justice Clerk (518-854-9300)
- Chuck Ptacek________________Planning Board Chairman (518-502-9448)
- Daisie Ely___ Planning Board Clerk (518-681-1499) [email protected]
- Nancy Quell _________Dog Control Officer ( 1-518-692-2840)